Purdue Data Mine

Hello, Boilermakers!

We’ve put together some example code and some data for you to play with.  We no longer have a custom release of Tracktable just for Purdue: instead, install it with ‘pip install tracktable’ when you need to.  Here’s what you’ve got on this web page:

  • Sample Jupyter notebooks.  Download the zip file, uncompress it, and start Jupyter from that directory (jupyter notebook at a prompt), then have fun.  You can also upload the zip file to Scholar and work with it there. 
  • Sample data.  There are three data sources here:
    • ASDI: Air traffic in US airspace, defined as the US, Canada, all US territories, and some traffic heading to and from the US.  
    • ADS-B: Air traffic around the world.  This data set was collected by ground-based receivers reporting to a third party, hence the gaps in coverage.
    • AIS: Maritime traffic.  Again, collected by ground-based receivers reporting to a third party, but the range on those receivers is large enough to get most of the interesting traffic worldwide.  (Ships out in deep water tend to do very boring things.)

We have lots more data where these came from.  We’re working on a way to make it available to you quickly and easily.

Jupyter Notebooks

TracktableExampleNotebooks-1.2.1.zip (13762 bytes)

Sample Data